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M U L T I M E D I A   A R T I S T   |   |  Taiwan

Zoey Lin is a multimedia artist that specializes in experimental stop-motion animation and mixed-media installation.



學           歷


2018 Master of Fine Arts

John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts, University of Southern California

2018 碩士班

南加州大學 動畫與數位藝術研究所


2013 Bachelor of the Fine Arts

Dept. of Fine Arts, Division of Painting, National Taiwan Normal University

2013 學士班

國立台灣師範大學 美術學系西畫組


W O R K  ​ E X P E R I E N C E

工 作 經 驗


2024 Working Artist  |  Mei-Yun Ceramics Studio, (2024-04~)

2024 藝術工作者, 美湛雲瓷工作室 (2024-4~)


2022 Animation Faculty | CSSSA California State Summer School for the Arts, teaching stop-motion class and mentoring students in final projects (2022-08)

2022 動畫講師, 加州州立藝術暑期學校, 教授逐格動畫相關課程與指導學生專題創作 (2022-08)

2020-2022 Freelance UX/UI DesignerGraphic Designer and Visual Designer | Xfrog Inc., Website Design, "2021-2022 Xfrog Pitch Deck"graphic design and 2D compositing for "Real or Render Series" (2020-06~2022-10)

2020-2022 Xfrog軟體公司 網站用戶介面設計師,專案平面設計師, 企業提案簡報目錄視覺設計師 (2020-06~2022-10)

2021 Freelance Multimedia Artist | University of Southern California | Visions and Voices, creating animation sequence of multimedia projection mapping project onto Bovard Auditorium Arch- "SPARK! 16th Annual Visions and Voices Kickoff and Arts Fest". (2021-08)

2021 南加州大學 負責Bovar禮堂拱門光雕投影專案: 「SPARK! 第16屆迎新藝術節」之動畫設計、製作與編輯, 實驗動畫新媒體藝術家 (2021-08)

2021 Freelance Motion Graphic Designer | Tamara Hernandez Productions & Productive Playhouse, Responsible for title and credits sequences of TV pilot "Happily Never After" written and directed by Tamara Hernandez. (2021-01)

2021 Tamara Hernandez 與productive playhouse獨立製片公司 負責電視試播片"Happily Never After"之片頭片尾動畫, 動態設計師 (2021-01)

2018-2019 Freelance Multimedia Artist | Tippett Studio, calligraphy design, experimental filming and compositing pre-viz for “MAD GOD” directed by Phil Tipptt. (2018-07~2019-08)

2018-2019 蒂皮特工作室 偶動畫專案:「MAD GOD」,實驗新媒體藝術家, 書法字體設計、後製合成師 (2018-07~2019-08)

​​2018-2019 Art . Film Teacher | Oasis Trilingual Community School, Responsible for teaching TK-8th grade Art . Film classes in bilingual (English / Mandarin) and as Creative Director for the short films based on students’ scripts.(2018-09~2019-06)​​​​

​​2018 -2019 綠林三語(英文/中文/西班牙文)中小學校, 專任藝術.電影老師 與 短片專案創意總監 (2018-09~2019-06)

2019 Freelance Art Director | University of Southern California | Division of Media Arts + Practice, Collaboration with dir. Juri Hwang, Responsible for visual design and character for multisensory sound repairing interactive device for children - “Sound Toy for EJ”. (2019-01)​​​

2019 南加州大學實用互動媒體所 多重感官專案開發:「給EJ的聲音玩具」負責角色開發與設計, 藝術總監 (2019-01)


2019 Freelance Multimedia Artist | University of Southern California | John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts, Responsible for experimental filming of multimedia projection mapping project onto Doheny Library- “Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein Re-animated”. (2019-01)​​​​​

2019 南加州大學動畫數位藝術所 Doheny圖術館建築體光雕投影專案: 「瑪莉.雪萊之科學怪人的重生」, 實驗影像新媒體藝術家 (2019-01)

2017-2018 Student Assistant | University of Southern California | John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts, Responsible for assisting professors during lectures and advising students on their animation projects.

2017-2018  南加州大學動畫數位藝術所 研究助理


2012 - 2015 Art Tutor | Designed individual lesson plans for one-on-one art lessons with students from age 12 to 16. Student Award: 2014 Catherine Lin, winner of Art Sponsorship Competition at Taipei American School

2012-2015 國高中藝術課程一對一教學設計 藝術私人教師 


2013 - 2014 Art Teacher | Taipei Municipal Ying-Qiao Junior High, Responsible for teaching visual arts for 7th -9th grade.

​2013-2014 台北市螢橋國立中學 視覺藝術代課老師


2011 - 2012 Curator | National Taiwan Normal University, Responsible for curating the 61st Annual Exhibition Dept. of Fine Art and the Joint Exhibition in the Taipei Shopping District.

2011-2012 國立臺灣師範大學 蒂61屆美術系系展 展覽策展人


2010- 2011 Chief Designer | Zhong Zheng Senior High School, Responsible for the exhibition, poster, issues, products of Vibrating Bridge Cultural and Historical Preservation Project.

2010-2011 中正高級中學 軟橋專案計畫 負責展覽、海報、專刊與各項周邊產品設計, 首席設計師 


2009- 2010 Major Lecturer | Y.M.C.A. Stimulating Creativity Art Camp Volunteer Host, Responsible for organizing all art lessons and related activities for both students and parents.

​2009-2010 Y.M.C.A. 基督教青年會 兒童美術激發創意營 負責藝術課程設計與相關活動執行 主講人


​A W A R D   |   H O N O R

獲 獎 榮 譽


2019 Jury Award for VR animated short, awarded by Palm Springs International Animation Festival & Expo, U.S.A. (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2019 美國棕梠泉國際動畫節(PSIAF)  評審團虛擬實境短片獎 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 XR finalist & Rapoport Award for Women in Art and Technology finalist, nominated by Lumen Prize, London, U.K. (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2019 英國倫敦流明獎  延展實境獎決選藝術家 與 拉波波特女性科技藝術獎決選藝術家 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 Best New Media awarded by New Media Film Festival, U.S.A. (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2019 美國新媒體電影節 最佳新媒體獎 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 Gold Winner of A’Design Award in Movie, Video and Animation Design Category, Como, Italy (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2019 義大利A' 國際設計大獎賽 金獎 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 First Place Winner of Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA) International Juried Competition, U.S.A. (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

​2019 洛杉磯數位藝術中心 國際攝影多媒體大賽首獎暨首獎個展 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2018 The Best VR animation awarded by 16th Multivision Festival St.Petersburg, Russia (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2018 聖彼得堡 Multivition 電影節  最佳虛擬實境獎 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2018 Best Student Mixed Media Animation awarded by Los Angeles Animation Festival, U.S.A. (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation)

2018 洛杉磯動畫節   最佳學生多媒動畫獎 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2013 Winner of Special Collection Prize by National Taiwan Normal University Graduation Exhibition Dept. of Fine Art (Semi-Liquid Space, Animation Installation) 

2013 國立台灣師範大學 美術學系 畢業典藏計畫獎 (半液態空間 , 動畫裝置)


2012 First Place Prize awarded by National Taiwan Normal University Dept. of Fine Art (Step by Step, Experimental Animation Short)

2012  國立台灣師範大學 美術學系 新媒類 首獎 (壁癌漸進式 , 實驗動畫短片)


G R A N T   |   S C H O L A R S H I P

獎 助 紀 錄


2019 Art Grant to KABOOM animation festival by National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan



2019 Art Grant to Lumen Prize London by Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government



2018 Travel Grant to Golden Harvest Award Taiwan by Graduate Student Government

2018 南加大旅行研究獎助金至金穗獎


2018 Animation Award Spring 2018 by John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts

2018 南加大動畫數位藝術所 2018春季獎學金


2018 Travel Grant to StopTrik Maribor by Graduate Student Government

2018 南加大旅行研究獎助金至StopTrik動畫節


2017 Animation Award Fall 2017 by John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts

​2017 南加大動畫數位藝術所 2017秋季獎學金


2017 Travel Grant to Animafest Zagreb by Graduate Student Government

2017 南加大旅行研究獎助金至薩格勒布動畫節


2017 Animation Award Spring 2017 by John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts

2017 南加大動畫數位藝術所 2017春季獎學金



展 覽 紀 錄


2024 “Ceramic Pluriverse”, exhibited at Mei-Yun Ceramics Gallery, Taiwan, Sep28-Oct26

2019 美湛雲瓷藝術中心 「多元宇宙」, 台灣, 09/28 -10/26


2019  Cyfest St.Petersburg, exhibited at Cyland Media Art Lab, Russia, Nov16-24​​ (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 Cyland 媒體藝術實驗室 Cyfest聖彼得堡俄羅斯, 11/16 -24 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置​)


2019 KABOOM -HAFFxKLIK Animation Festival, exhibited at Westergas-machinegebouw, Amsterdam,  Netherlands, Nov14-16​ (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 西瓦斯文創園區-軍械庫房 KABOOM - HAFF x KLIK 尼德蘭雙城動畫影展,  阿姆斯特丹, 尼德蘭, 11/14-16​ (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019  USC First Frame, exhibited at Directors Guild of America Theater (DGA), Los Angeles, United States, Oct24 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 美國導演協會影院 南加州大學First Frame影展, 洛杉磯, 美國, 10/24 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 A' Design Award Winners Exhibition at Museum of Outstanding Design (MOOD) in Como, Italy, June 10 – July 20 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 傑出設計博物館 義大利A'國際設計大獎展, 科莫, 義大利, 6/10 - 7/20 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 Animafest Zagreb VR Competition, exhibited at Grič Tunnel, Croatia, June 03 – 08 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 隧道博物館  薩格勒布國際動畫節虛擬實境類展覽, 薩格勒布, 克羅埃西亞, 6/03 - 08 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 First Place Winner Solo Exhibit of Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA), United States, March 14 - April 06 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 洛杉磯數位藝術中心  國際攝影多媒體大賽首獎 暨 首獎個展, 洛杉磯, 美國, 3/14 - 4/06 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 “Craft Revolution”, Orange County Center of Contemporary Art (OCCCA), Juror: Staci Steinberger, Associate Curator, Decorative Arts and Design, LACMA, United States, February 02 - March 23 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2019 橘縣當代藝術中心 「工藝革命」藝術家聯展  評審策展人:洛杉磯藝術博物館 副館長 Staci Steinberger  (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2018 Multivision St.Petersbug, exhibited at museum of contemporary art “Erarta”, Russia, November 09 - 11 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2018 俄羅斯埃拉塔當代藝術館  聖彼得堡 Multivition 電影節, 11/09 -11 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2018 Thesis Solo Exhibition, Steven Spielberg Building (SCA gallery) of University of Southern California, April 17 - 21 (Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation​)

2018 南加州大學電影學院藝廊 畢業個展 , 洛杉磯, 美國, 04/17 - 21 (Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置)


2019 First Place Winner Solo Exhibit of Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA), United States, March 14 - April 06 (Mental Black Hole, Experimental Animation installation)

2019 洛杉磯數位藝術中心  國際攝影多媒體大賽首獎暨首獎個展, 洛杉磯, 美國, 3/14 - 4/06 (心靈黑洞, 實驗動畫裝置)


2017 Animafest Zagreb in category site-specific “Animation goes MSU!”, exhibited at three-channel media facade of Contemporary Museum of Art in Zagreb, Croatia, May23 - June10  (Mental Black Hole, Experimental Animation installation)

2017 薩格勒布當代藝術館 三頻道媒體牆  場域特定動畫類:「動畫進入當代藝術館」, 克羅埃西亞, 5/23 - 6/10 (心靈黑洞, 實驗動畫裝置)


2016 Prod. I Solo Exhibition, SCB 202 School of Cinematic Arts, United States, May 08 - 10  (Mental Black Hole, Experimental Animation installation)

2016 南加大電影學院動畫所 人體素描教室, 製作一之期末個展, 洛杉磯, 美國, 5/08 - 5/10 (心靈黑洞, 實驗動畫裝置)


2017 showed in the Armory Center For the Arts during Pasadena Art Night, United States, March 10 (Proto-Floto, Wearable projection installation float)

2017 Armory藝術中心 帕薩迪納藝術夜​,美國 (Proto-Floto, 穿戴型光雕投影遊行彩車)


2013 Official Selection for the exhibition of the Taiwan Watercolor Association, exhibited in National Chiang Kei-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan (Lifestyle Series, Watercolor work)

2013 中正紀念堂 台灣水彩畫協會聯展 (無間隙生活式, 水彩創作)


2013 Graduation Exhibition, National Taiwan Normal University Dequn Gallery in Dept. of Fine Art, Taiwan

2013 國立台灣師範大學 德群藝廊 美術系校內畢業聯展, 台北, 台灣


2013 Graduation Exhibition, Soochow University Art Center Taipei, Taiwan (Semi-Liquid Space, Animation installation)

2013 東吳大學遊藝廣場 美術系校外畢業聯展, 台北, 台灣 (半液態空間, 動畫裝置)


2012 Official Selection by Lee Gallery, exhibited in Art Taipei Exhibition Event, World Trade Center Taipei, Taiwan (The Symptom of Wall Mold, Mixedmedia work)

2013 2012 世貿展覽館 新藝術博覽會 黎畫廊壹計畫,  台北, 台灣 (壁癌病癥, 複合媒材)


2012 Mixed-media exhibition, No.16 Chintian NTNU Contemporary Humanities and Arts Space Taipei, Taiwan (Step By Step, Experimental animation short)

2012 台師大 青田十六當代人文藝術空間 複合媒體類展, 台北, 台灣 (壁癌漸進式, 實驗動畫短片)


S C R E E N I N G 

提 名 放 映


Relation • Ship, VR Stop-motion installation

Relation • Ship, 偶動虛擬實境裝置


2020 invited by StopTrik IFF and screened at TIAF as "Theme Program", Taiwan, Nov 27. 30

2020 台中國際動畫影展「StopTrik精選」,11/27.30


2019 by Palm Springs Int. Animation Festival, United States, Dec14-15

2019 棕櫚泉國際動畫節, 美國, 12/14-15


2019 by Tindirindis International Film Festival, Lithuania, Nov 29

2019 Tindirindis 國際電影節,  立陶宛, 11/29​


2019 by The Animattikon Project, Paphos, Cyprus, Oct26

2019 Animattikon 計畫,帕福斯, 賽普勒斯, 10/26


2019 by BANJALUKA International Animated Film Festival, Oct24-28

2019 巴尼亞盧卡動畫節, 10/24-28​


2019 by Bucheon International Animation Festival, Korea, Oct18-22

2019 韓國富川國際動畫節, 10/18-22


2019 by ANNY Animation Nights New York, United States, Oct05-06 

2019 ANNY紐約動畫之夜, 美國, 10/05-06


2019 by Animest Bucharest International Animation Festival, Romania, Oct04-13

2019 Animest 布加勒斯特國際動畫節,10/04-13


2019 by Nashville Film Festival, Tennessee, United States

2019 納什維爾電影節, 田納西, 美國


2019 by Encounters Film Festival, Bristol, England, Sep25

2019 Encounters 電影節,布里斯托,英格蘭, 9/25


2019 by World Festival of Animated Film Varna (WFAF), Bulgaria, Sep13

2019 世界動畫電影節瓦爾納, 保加利亞, 9/13


2019 by La Guarimba Film Festival in Amantea, Italy, Aug 07

2019 瓜林巴影展, 阿曼泰亞, 義大利, 8/07


2019 by Seattle Transmedia & Independent Film Festival, United States, July 27

2019 西雅圖跨媒體與獨立電影節, 美國, 7/27


2019 by Open World Animation Festival, Pennsylvania, United States, July 13​

2019 Open World動畫節,賓夕法尼亞, 美國, 7/13


2019 by Imaginarium’s Film Festivals, United States

2019 Imaginarium 動漫電影節系列, 美國


2019 by New Media Film Festival, Los Angeles, United States, June 05​

​2019 新媒體電影節, 洛杉磯, 美國, 6/05


2019 by Animafest Zagreb, Croatia, June 03 – 08​

2019 薩格勒布國際動畫節,克羅埃西亞,6/03-08


2019 by La Truca, Colombia, May 07​

2019 拉特魯查國際動畫節, 哥倫比亞, 5/07


2019 by Animex Awards in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, May 02​

2019 Animex 動畫獎, 米德爾斯堡, 英國, 5/02


2019 by Athens Animfest, Greece, March 12​

2019 雅典國際動畫節, 希臘, 3/12


2019 by SHORT to the point International Short Film Festival, Romania, Jan 19

​2019 SHORT to the point國際短片節,羅馬尼亞, 1/19


2018 by CRASH-International Fantastic Film Festival, Brazil, Dec 14​

2018 巴西CRASH國際奇幻電影節, 12/14


2018 by Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, Turkey, Nov 23​

2018 伊斯坦堡國際實驗電影節, 土耳其, 11/23


2018 by Los Angeles Animation Festival, United States, Dec 01

​2018  洛杉磯動畫節, 美國, 12/01


2018 by StopTrik International Film Festival, Slovenia, Oct 06

2018 StopTrik國際停格動畫節, 斯洛維尼亞, 10/06


Mental Black Hole, Experimental Animation installation

心靈黑洞, 實驗動畫裝置


2019 by The Animattikon Project, Paphos, Cyprus, Oct26

2019 Animattikon 計畫,帕福斯, 賽普勒斯, 10/26


2019 by Feminist Border Arts Film Festival, New Mexico, United States, March 08

2019 女性藝術電影節, 新墨西哥, 美國, 3/08


2018 invited by MUMIA, Brazil, Dec 07

2018 受邀自MUMIA世界電影節, 巴西, 12/07


2018 by Tainan Film Center, Taiwan, April 14

​2018 臺南市南門電影書院, 台灣, 4/14


2018 by Fuchu 15 New Taipei Story House special animation galleries, Taiwan, April 13

2018 府中15新北市動畫故事館, 台灣, 4/13


2018 by Late Night Movie Theater at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, April 04

2018 清華大學夜貓子電影院, 台灣, 4/04


2018 by Golden Harvest Award Taipei, Taiwan, March 25

2018 金穗獎, 台灣, 3/25


2017 by Chellavision Short Film Fest, Indio, United States

2017 Chellavision短片節, 因迪奧, 美國


2017 by StopTrik International Film Festival, Slovenia

2017 StopTrik國際停格動畫節, 斯洛維尼亞


2017 by Animafest Zagreb, Croatia, May23 - June10

2017 薩格勒布國際動畫節, 克羅埃西亞, 5/23 - 6/10


B O O K   |   I S S U E

出 版 發 行


2019 LABOCINE "July Issue 2019 Nusantara"-20 films from the science new wave​

2019作品收錄於《LABOCINE七月刊精選集- 努山達拉: 二十部科學新浪潮電影》


2019 Onur Mustak Cobanli, “Winner Designs Yearbook 2018-2019”, A’ Design Award 

2019作品收錄《A’國際設計大獎年鑑 2018/2019》, Cobanli, Onur Mustak著, A’ 國際設計大賽獎出版


2018 “40th Golden Harvest Awards & Short Film Festival”, Golden Harvest Awards

2018 作品收錄於《金穗40專輯》, 金穗獎出版


2017 “Animafest Zagreb 2017”, world festival of animated film Animafest Zagreb

2017作品收錄於《薩格勒布動畫節2017專輯》, 薩格勒布世界動畫節出版


I N V I T E D   L E C T U R E   |   A R T I S T   I N T E R V I E W 

講 座 訪 談


2020 Invited Artist, "AnimaALIVE", online live broadcast hosted by Quadro Vermelho Produções

2020 受邀藝術家, 「AnimALIVE」, 由Quadro Vermelho Produções工作室所主持的網路在線直播


2020 Invited Artist, "Virtual Studio Visit - At The Corner of Shellter", Currents New Media Festival, Santa Fe, U.S.A.

2019 受邀藝術家, 「工作室導覽 - 工作殼一角」, Currents 心媒體藝術節, 聖塔菲, 美國


2019 Invited Speaker, "Non-Linear Experimental Animation x Multimedia Art", Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan

2019 受邀講者, 「非線性實驗動畫 x 複合媒體媒材」, 國立台北藝術大學, 台灣


2019 Interviewed and filmed by dir. Craig Hickerson for Artist Profile documentary in San Francisco, U.S.A.

2019 藝術家專訪紀錄片, 導演Craig Hickerson 訪問與錄製,  舊金山, 美國


2017 Interviewed by StopTrik dir. Olga Bobrowska and dir. Michael Bobrowscy, “TRIKSHOW” of 7th StopTrik and screened “Making of Mental Black Hole”,Slovenia

2017 心靈黑洞製作專訪, StopTrik動畫節總監Olga Bobrowska與 Michael Bobrowscy主持, 斯洛維尼亞 


P U B L I C I T Y    A R C H I V E

報 導 存 檔

2019  Cyfest 12, "Exhibition Project ID" 【俄羅斯數位藝術節第十二屆Cyfest官網】 "主題展計畫 : 身分 x 認知"

2019  XRMust, "Kaboom Animation Festival  I  Virtual Reality (line up)  【混合實境媒體平台XRMust】 "尼德蘭Kaboom雙城動畫影展之虛擬實境動畫類"

2019  The Animattikon Project, "official selection of the animattikon project 2019 【計畫animattikon藝術動畫節官網】 "二零一九年度官方精選 "

2019  Banjaluka IAFF, "Relation‧ Ship" 【巴尼亞盧卡世界動畫影展官網】 "偶動畫虛擬實境裝置作品 Relation ‧ Ship"

2019  USC Cinematic Arts, "First Frame 2019" 【南加大電影學院官網】 "二零一九年度第一幀動畫影展"

2019  VRroom, "Bucheon Animation Fest Selects 13 VR projects"​ 【延展實境媒體平台VRroom】"韓國富川動畫節十三件虛擬實境作品精選"

2019  The Lumen Prize, "The Rapport Award for Women in Art and Technology" 【英國流明獎官網】"拉波波特女性科技藝術獎決選藝術家提名名單"

2019  The Lumen Prize, "shortlist-2019" 【英國流明獎官網】"二零 一九年度決選名單"

2019  Animation For Adults, "HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 4TH ANNY BEST OF FEST " 【美國成人動畫雜誌】"聚焦第四屆最佳安尼動畫獎" 

2019  Nashville Film Festival, "Virtual Reality is quickly becoming the..." 【美國納什維爾影展臉書官網】 "虛擬實境迅速地變成..."

2019  Animation Magazine, "Encounters 2019 International Film Selections Announced" 【美國動畫雜誌】"二零一九年度英國Encounters 電影節公佈精選名單"

2019  LABOCINE, "July Issue 2019 Nusantara -20 films from the science new wave " 【LABOCINE官網】"二零一九七月刊精選集- 努山達拉- 二十部科學新浪潮電影 "

2019  CINEUROPA, "GoCritic! Shorts Review: Use of Sound in VR in Animafest Competition" 【歐洲CINEUROPA平台】"薩格勒布動畫節短片評論:虛擬實境中聲音運用"

​​2019 World Festival of Animated Film Varna (WFAF), "Selected Short Films" 【世界動畫電影節瓦爾納官網】"精選短片"

2019 La Guarimba International Film Festival, "La Grotta dei Piccoli 2019"​【義大利瓜林巴國際影展官網】"二零一九年度給兒童的動畫節"

2018 CRASH International Fantastic Film Festival, "10ª CRASH" 【巴西CRASH國際奇幻電影節】"第十屆CRASH精選"

2018 Multivision St.Petersberg, "Welcome winners of the XVI International Festival of Animated Arts" 【聖彼得堡Multivison 電影節官網】"歡迎第十六屆國際動畫藝術節的獲獎者"

2018 Istanbul International Experimental Festival, "2018 Animations" 【伊斯坦堡國際實驗電影節官網】"二零一八動畫精選"

2018 StopTrik International Film Festival, "Relation•Ship" 【斯洛維尼亞StopTrik國際停格動畫節】"偶動畫虛擬實境裝置藝術作品 Relation ‧ Ship"

2018 Tainan Film Center, "40th Golden Harvest Award screening tour"【台南市南門電影書院官網】"第四十屆金穗獎全台巡迴影展"

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